June 27, 2019

Location Change Postponed
I received an email this afternoon from church that has changed our relocation plans.Our church is starting a MAJOR remodeling project on July 1st and things have changed with the availability of the room.  As we all know with construction projects, the details sometimes don't get worked out until the last minute.  So the room we were going to use is needed for the nursery room for the time being.  I don't think we want to try and work around all that stuff!

So......I have decided to just wait until after the remodeling is complete (next year) and then try and get us a room that can be permanent instead of having to move around, which they offered to try and do.

I'm sorry for all the confusion. I'm glad we didn't pack up anymore than we did today! We will continue to meet at my house from 9:30 ish to 11:30ish every Thursday morning.

The evening meeting will still change to the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 7-9pm. This change will allow some new folks to participate that could not come on Tuesday evenings. 

Again, I'm sorry for the confusion but it will work out someday. In the mean time, we will just have to be careful carrying stuff up and down the stairs. 

If you have any questions, please email or call me.
God Bless,

June 12, 2019

Changes Coming to Busy Hands 4 All

As you know, I've explored a possible move our crafting space from our basement to our church.  There is a room that is available. I think will work for us. I would like to use July as our trial month.  

Beginning Thursday, July 11th we will meet at Waypoint Church,  4075 Old Hwy 94 S, St Charles, MO 63304.  Our room will be C-102 which is in the Chapel Wing.   I've reserved the room from 9:00 a.m. until noon (adding setup and clean up time).  

The website is www.Waypointchurch.com. They have a link to directions.  I have attached photos showing where to park and the entry door location.  I will also have signs posted. 

The 3rd Tuesday night meeting will now be the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 6:30-9:00 p.m.  This will allow me time to set up on Wednesday night and then be ready for Thursday morning without any additional set up time.  If the desire is there, I could also add the first Wednesday of the month for an evening group. 

If you have any questions, please call or email me.  I hope this will continue to work for everyone.  I appreciate your patience as we give this a try and work out the bugs!

Thanks to you all for your help to serve the community and bring glory to our Lord, Jesus Christ. 

God bless,