September 25, 2019

Collaboration with O'Featherweight Club was successful!

On September 17, The O'Fallon O'Featherweight club had its monthly meeting and adopted one of our projects! They made 34 bibs and burp cloths for Sweet Babies. It was wonderful to hear the hum of a roomful of vintage Featherweights. It was even more wonderful knowing that they were there for 'our' Sweet Babies. Completed bibs and burp cloths continue to come in! They were so thrilled with the project they have a new donation bin at O'Sew Personal Fabric store in O'Fallon! We are starting to receive a few crocheted NICU octopi from the Featherweight club too. 

We put together Angel Gowns/Bonnets kits with donated wedding gown fabric, lining, ribbon, trim, instructions, and pattern. Everything you need to make one or two gowns and matching bonnets! A few kits were taken at the Featherweight meeting and will be available at our Busy Hands meetings. 

We are planning an Angel Gown Sew Along in the future too! Plan on bringing your sewing machine and we will each make a gown and bonnet step by step together! Stay tuned for details.